ACCAC Social Media Project to support Tampere to be the European Capital of Culture 2026
Dear ACCAC Members, Artists, Professionals and Friends
ACCAC hometown Tampere and Tampere Region are together applying to become the European Capital of Culture 2026 to be able to promote what is most important to us: The People. We want to work towards equality and utilize Culture as our engine for change.
It would be so great and important if you would give us support and your time in TampereRegion way to win the title. We want to show the panel members who makes the decision, that equality and everyones right for culture and art is important value also to our networks, partners and artits globally.
ACCAC Finland wish You to take part in TampereRegion 2026 social media project. Please make your own country and region visible in Tampere already before ACCAC Culture 2.0 Festival in August.
The deadline to participate in this project is February 19.
Participation has ended. Now we can enjoy the outcome!